Latest Releases

DataObjects .NET 7.1.1 — November, 2023

  • [main] Improved memory efficiency of cached queries.
  • [main] One of PersistRequest's constructors marked obsolete since it is no longer in use

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DataObjects .NET 7.0.5 — June, 2024

  • [main] Some constructors of SqlPersistTask marked Obsolete, new constructors provided
  • [main] Some constructors of CalculateProvider marked Obsolete, new constructors provided
  • [main] Some constructors of AggregateProvider marked Obsolete, new constructors provided
  • [main] Updated BitFaster.Caching package
  • [main] Certain optimizations connected to query translation made

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DataObjects .NET 6.0.13 — April, 2024

  • [main] Fixed certain cases of bad translation of casts via 'as' operator in LINQ queries
  • [main] Addressed certain issues of translation connected with comparison with local entity instance within LINQ queries
  • [main] Fixed rare issues of incorrect translation of filtered index expressions including conditional expressions
  • [main] Join/LeftJoin is denied to have the same expression instance for both inner/outer selector
  • [main] Addressed issue when wrong type of join was chosen when .First/FirstOrDefalult() method was used as subquery
  • [main] Added dedicated exception when RenameFieldHint.TargetType exists in current model but absent in storage model
  • [main] Xtensive.Sql.Model.NodeCollection<T>.Add() throws understandable exception in case of duplicate name of item
  • [postgresql] Fixed issue of incorrect translation of conditional expressions including comparison with nullable fields

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DataObjects .NET 5.0.24 — April, 2021

  • main Fixed rare cases of writing data in wrong column for SingleTable hierarchies
  • main Fixed incorrect EntitySetState.TotalItemCount calculation for ClientProfile
  • sqlserver Fixed incorrect translation of DateTimeOffset.Date part extraction

Get it from: DataObjects.Net Nuget.Org

DataObjects .NET 4.6.9 — July, 2015

  • main Fixed comparison of Keys
  • mysql Provider is no longer used recursive syntax for join

Get it from: DataObjects.Net Nuget.Org

DataObjects .NET 4.5.8 — September, 2013

  • main Fixed invalid key comparison under certain conditions
  • main Fixed EntitySet caching invalid state within DisableSaveChanges() scope
  • main Fixed overflow when storing large TimeSpan values
  • main Fixed invalid default values for SessionConfiguration.DefaultIsolationLevel and SessionConfiguration.Options
  • main Fixed support for referencing connection strings in SessionConfiguration
  • mysql Fixed translation of bitwise operations
  • mysql Fixed translation of DateTime.DayOfWeek and DateTime.DayOfYear

Get it from: DataObjects.Net Nuget.Org